Friday, May 30, 2008

Olive lounge in Pan Global

Rainy friday in KL

Waiting to collect the chq and it starts to rain. What a bummer, to be caught in KL on a rainy friday.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008

No water in Bandar Utama

Low pressure since last week and this evening, the water stops. Residents have been calling the water department but they have no clue (at first). After a couple of days, they say its something to do with the Taman Tun reservoir. Then today they say it's something to do with the Damansara reservoir. Apparently Kinrara is also having water problems due to the dam in Semenyih.

The thing is, how can they not know what is the problem and apparently seems to be doing nothing to solve the problem